南宁市城市规划管理条例第二章 城市规划的编制和审批

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Numerous stages are involved in the urban planning process in Nanning, as outlined in the city's regulations. The process is divided into three main phases: the overall plan, sectoral plans, and detailed planning, with smaller towns following a similar but simplified two-stage structure.

Starting with the detailed planning, this encompasses control and construction-specific plans, including urban design. The overall plan for Nanning is executed by the municipal government, which requires a review from the city's people's congress or its standing committee. After能得到自治区人民政府的认可, it proceeds to be submitted to the State Council for final approval.

Professional plans, such as those for specific sectors, are prepared by relevant authorities. These are then integrated into the city's overall plan after a balancing process by the urban planning administration. For towns within the county seat and designated important towns, the planning is carried out by the county government, with the approval process involving the local people's congress or standing committee, followed by the city government and a regional planning administrative备案。

In urban areas, major地段、 influential projects, and those without sectoral plans undergo detailed planning by the city planning department, subject to city government approval. For certain designated areas, the department is responsible for planning and regional approval through the city and省级 governments.

Small-scale construction projects can, in some cases, be planned by the developers themselves with the approval of the planning authority. Industrial parks and other developments in the urban zone must conform to comprehensive planning and detailed designs, all under unified city planning management.

City plans can be adjusted when needed, but significant changes, like altering the city's nature, scale, or direction, require a more rigorous process as outlined in the regulations. Any changes to zone plans or detailed plans must be approved by the original authorization body.

Before commencing planning, it's crucial to have necessary base data, including surveys, measurements, and others. All relevant parties are expected to provide these data to the planning authority without charge. The costs of city planning and design are budgeted through annual fiscal plans.

Finally, upon approval, city-wide master plans are publicly disclosed by the municipal and county governments, ensuring transparency and adherence to the regulations.



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